Old School Wednesdays

Old School Wednesdays Readalong: October Poll Results

Old School Wednesdays Final

The results for our October Old School Wednesdays Readalong are in! After 141 votes, the book we will be reading is:

Skin Hunger by Kathleen Duey

Skin Hunger

Sadima lives in a world where magic has been banned, leaving poor villagers prey to fakes and charlatans. A “magician” stole her family’s few valuables and left Sadima’s mother to die on the day Sadima was born. But vestiges of magic are hidden in old rhymes and hearth tales and in people like Sadima, who conceals her silent communication with animals for fear of rejection and ridicule. When rumors of her gift reach Somiss, a young nobleman obsessed with restoring magic, he sends Franklin, his lifelong servant, to find her. Sadima’s joy at sharing her secret becomes love for the man she shares it with. But Franklin’s irrevocable bond to the brilliant and dangerous Somiss traps her, too, and she faces a heartbreaking decision.Centuries later magic has been restored, but it is available only to the wealthy and is strictly controlled by wizards within a sequestered academy of magic. Hahp, the expendable second son of a rich merchant, is forced into the academy and finds himself paired with Gerrard, a peasant boy inexplicably admitted with nine sons of privilege and wealth. Only one of the ten students will graduate — and the first academic requirement is survival.

Sadima’s and Hahp’s worlds are separated by generations, but their lives are connected in surprising and powerful ways in this brilliant first book of Kathleen Duey’s dark, complex, and completely compelling trilogy

October Readalong:

The readalong will happen on October 30, during our Halloween Week, when we will post our joint review of the book and open the floor for discussion and linkage to your posts/reviews.

More awesome news – this book widely available! We’ve included links below for your purchasing pleasure:

Amazon US*
Amazon UK*
Barnes & Noble*
Abe Books
Paperback Swap
Thrift Books
Book Depository

*Please note that we receive affiliate income from any books purchased these starred stores

Hopefully you will be able to secure a copy by purchasing one online, or – fingers crossed! – through borrowing at your local library. Please let us know if you want to take part on the readalong but are having difficulties finding a copy and we will try our best to offer alternatives!


  • Juan Pazos
    October 2, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    Hmmmm I won’t be taking part in this one. But I’m looking forward to your thoughts! Skin Hunger sounds really interesting but this is the first time in the OSW that the Chosen Book is NOT available for download from Spain, where I live. Pity!!

  • Sarah
    October 3, 2013 at 9:32 am

    I just read Skin Hunger on a camping trip, in anticipation that it would be voted in… and I am SO excited to discuss it! I think that whether people love or hate it there will be lots to say. Personally, I’m going to be at the library when it opens tomorrow morning to get my hands on the sequel.

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