Ahoy mateys! Another Sunday, which means our Manga Appreciation Week has finally come to a close…but fear not! Sunday also means another Stash! (and football)
First things first–we be handing out the booty to one lucky buccaneer!
The winner of our The Tarot Cafe – The Wild Hunt giveaway is: Karen Kincy
Congratulations! You know the drill. Send an email with your mailing info to contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com, and we’ll get the swag out to you as soon as possible. Thanks to everyone that entered!
A Reminder
We’ve been at our new Casa de Smugglers for two weeks now, and we’re thrilled with all the positive feedback we have been getting from you! We still, however, seem to be having problems with folks subscribing to the wrong feeds (due to an annoying search problem in Google Reader).
Please make sure that you are subscribed to the one and only post feed for this site:
This goes for any RSS blogrolls too! You can subscribe by clicking on the link above, or by clicking on the subscription links in our sidebar!
We’ve noticed many folks are subscribing to the incorrect feed (http://www.thebooksmugglers.com/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/xml/media-rss.php). THIS IS THE WRONG FEED! If you are subscribed to this feed, you will find that your reader will NOT update. Please make sure to update your subscriptions.
Please let us know if you are having any feed issues. We will do our best to help you!
Around the Blogosphere:
A lot of award nominations are going up.
Urban Fantasy Land, the awesome blog for all things Urban Fantasy, is holding their 2008 Reader’s Choice Awards!
Here’s the skinny:
Here’s how it works (exact details follow the polls): Vote & then tell your friends all about the awards. Not only will you be supporting your favourite authors, but you’ll then be entered into a draw for a $25 gift certificate from a major online bookseller (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) For the authors, winning authors will get free advertising here, an icon to put on their website, and they’ll be entered to win a gift basket. It’s a win-win-win event!
Also, the Smart Bitches (who love trashy books) are holding their annual DA BWAHA. It’s like March Madness, but for books in different categories. You can read the details HERE.
Mulluane (the gal behind the excellent Dragons, Heroes, and Wizards blog and new contributor to Fantasy Debut) has set up a brand spankin’ new forum for authors, bloggers, and fans of Speculative Fiction! Stop by The Dragon Federation and say hi!
Kmont, who runs the always excellent Lurv a la Mode has a wonderful giveaway going on. Check out her interview with Beth Fantaskey, and leave a comment by midnight to win a copy of Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side.
And we have some book club news! The Anna Karenina 2009 Challenge, hosted and organized by the lovely Kate of What Kate’s Reading, is now up and running! The goal of the challenge? To finish Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina from cover to cover by December 26th. Anyone can join, so please feel free to stop by!
Also, the Book Blogger Club has settled on its next book selection (chosen by Joe of the excellent SFF blog Adventures in Reading). For March, we will be taking on Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler! Anyone interested can join the book club, all you have to do is read the book, blog about it sometime between March 9-15, and link to other members’ reviews. Check out Joe’s selection post for more details!
And A Few Teasers…
Two big events are looming for us Smugglers. Two interviews and giveaways, one with a very popular, established author with her highly anticipated new entry; one with a new author, whose debut novel Thea quite enjoyed.
Any guesses? More details will follow soon. We promise.
Until then…
January 18, 2009 at 2:58 pmAs always I bow down to the ninja master 😀
January 18, 2009 at 3:51 pmCongrats to Karen!
Lady Smugglers, the background loads a bit slowly for me–otherwise, I really like the new layout. Rock on!
January 18, 2009 at 4:07 pmCongrats Karen!
Ohhh, lots happening in the next few weeks! And I have a theory about who one of those authors may be, so I’ll be lurking 🙂 Or should that be delurking…nope, done that already 🙂
January 18, 2009 at 4:25 pmKatie, you know it! Master Tatsu taught me well.
Azteclady–hmm, I’ve been noticing that too 👿 I’ll see what I can do to try to speed things up. Grrr. Thanks for the heads up, though!
Orannia–hey you have a blog now! I’ve added you to the blogroll
And yes, be de-lurking! Hehe.
January 19, 2009 at 4:07 pmHey, ladies! Thanks for mentioning Fantaskey’s interview/giveaway!
And *wipes drool from chin* is your “one with a very popular, established author with her highly anticipated new entry” Richelle Mead’s latest Vampire Academy book??!!
LOL, I know it’s a long shot. LAst I read on her Live Journal, she’d just turned in proofs or got the first draft done or something. I think. So tired I can’t rightly recall.
Whoever it is, I’m looking forward to it!
January 20, 2009 at 12:46 pmI’m guessing Nalini Singh because of her Angel’s Blood release next month 🙂
But the debut author stumps me.