To end the weekend, we decided it would be rather fitting to have a Best of Batman Poll. Since the Dark Knight has been translated successfully to the screen, we give you the following two questions:
Who is your favorite Batman (actor)?

Adam West – Original Recipe, baby!
Michael Keaton – Comedian turned Bruce Wayne…somehow it just works.
Val Kilmer – A definite shift in direction from Batman and Batman Returns
George Clooney – Batnipples and all!
Christian Bale – Giving the Dark Knight back his dignity
Who’s the best Bat Villain? And if you’re feeling snarky, who’s the worst?

Jack Nicholson – The Joker in Batman
Michelle Pfieffer – Selina Kyle/Catwoman in Batman Returns
Danny DeVito – Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin in Batman Returns
Jim Carey – Edward Nygma/The Riddler in Batman Forever
Tommy Lee Jones – Harvey Dent/Two-Face in Batman Forever
Uma Thurman – Pamela Isely/Poison Ivy in Batman and Robin
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin
Liam Neeson – Henri Ducard/Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins
Cillian Murphy – Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow in Batman Begins
Heath Ledger – The Joker in The Dark Knight
Aaron Eckhart – Harvey Dent/Two-Face in The Dark Knight
(Spoiler Picture HERE–consider yourself warned)
July 20, 2008 at 1:19 am*thud* DEAR LORD,that picture is SCARY *thud* wow.
Ok, so, best Batman is hands down Christian Bale. I love him as an actor anyway, but he is just perfect as Batman.
Best Villain? I need to watch the movie first but already I am thinking Heath as Joker.
July 20, 2008 at 7:40 amMy favorite Batman is Michael Keaton. But the best looking Batman is George Clooney even though Christian comes in a very close second.
And by accident I saw the spoiler picture on another site! arg.
This may all change when I finally see Dark Knight in a few hours.
July 20, 2008 at 9:43 amAna, I know…it’s even better with some of the CG touchups…it’s like the comics no? I love it.
I say best batman, hands down, Christian Bale. Before him I’d never felt the intensity and depth that Bruce Wayne has.
And for the villains…oooooh toughie. I love Heath Ledger’s joker. He does a phenomenal time and probably is the best of them all…but i have a soft spot in my heart for Michelle Pfieffer’s interpretation of Cat Woman. And Danny DeVito’s Penguin! Ahh, priceless.
July 20, 2008 at 10:43 amI *heart* Liam Neeson. Even if it was just Qui Gon Jin with a barely changed wardrobe all over again.
And even though you didn’t ask, I’m going to say my least favorite character was Poison Ivy. The enduring capacity of Uma Thurman to obtain movie roles puzzles me. Long legs, unusual name, fine – but woodenness in every role I’ve ever seen trumps it all.
July 20, 2008 at 7:09 pmI just watched Dark Knight.
Christian Bale, Heath Ledger and Harvey Dent are amazing. They put all past Batmans, villains and otherwise to shame.
July 20, 2008 at 9:26 pmHave to agree with Katie(babs). If I was 10 years younger, I’d be all over Christian Bale like a dog on a bone. He IS Batman (and I never thought I’d say that about anyone other than Adam West, LOL!)
July 21, 2008 at 6:37 amChristian Bale, without a doubt. I think he portrays Batman most realistically, if that makes any sense. Before him though, Michael Keaton would’ve won.
And all the villains pre-Christian batman are neck-and-neck for worst villain. I saw snarky and couldn’t resist. They are all over-the-top horrible in so many ways.
Best villain I’m sure will be Ledger’s Joker, when and if I ever get to see it in the theater.