Title: The Graveyard Book Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did we read this book: Really? Because, obviously, we love Neil Gaiman. (The question should be why did it…
Young Adult
Title: Shadow Kiss Author: Richelle Mead Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: Book 3 of the Vampire Academy series. Why did I read this book: As if our recent Richelle-A-Palooza is any indicator, I’m a huge…
Title: The Hunger Games Author: Suzanne Collins Genre: Young Adult, Speculative Fiction Stand Alone or Series: Book One in a planned trilogy. Summary: (from amazon.com)Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest…
Title: Northern Lights (US title: The Golden Compass) Author: Philip Pullman Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Stand Alone or Series: First novel in the His Dark Materials trilogy Why did we DARE Katie to read this book: Because both of…
Title: Foundation Author: Mercedes Lackey Genre: Fantasy Stand alone or Series: First book in the Collegium Chronicles; can be read as a stand alone, however it is part of Mercedes Lackey’s significantly larger Valdemar universe books. Why did I…
Title: Frostbite Author: Richelle Mead Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: Book 2 in the Vampire Academy series Why did I read this book: Read Vampire Academy in a day, and needed more. Pronto. (This was…
Title: Vampire Academy Author: Richelle Mead Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult Stand Alone or Series: Book 1 in the Vampire Academy series Why did we read this book: Other than the fact that we are having a Richelle-A-Palooza? Thea…
As the grand finale of our mini-week special on Dark Fairy Tales, we contacted Melissa Marr for a brief chat–and she was kind enough to take some time out of her hectic schedule (it was right after Wicked Lovely…
Title: Ink Exchange Author: Melissa Marr Genre: Young Adult, Dark Fantasy Stand Alone or Series: Second book in the series. Summary: (from HarperCollins.com)Unbeknownst to mortals, a power struggle is unfolding in a world of shadows and danger. After centuries…
Title: Wicked Lovely Author: Melissa Marr Genre: Young Adult, Dark Fantasy Stand Alone or Series: First book in the series. Summary: (from HarperCollins.com)Rule #3: Don’t stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk…
THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS. As I said in my review of Breaking Dawn – Part I ,I’m doing something a little different here–due to the nature of Breaking Dawn and the issues I had with it, I’m putting up…
Title: Breaking Dawn Author: Stephanie Meyer Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy Stand alone or series: Fourth book in the Twilight Saga Why did I read this book: I am a fan of the series, having read and been increasingly…
Title: Bewitching Season Author: Marissa Doyle Genre: Young Adult, Victorian Historical Fiction with some supernatural magic goings on Stand alone or series: As it is, a stand alone novel, but has the makings of becoming a series. A book…
Title: Tigerheart Author: Peter David Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did we read this book: We were offered review copies of Tigerheart, and when we saw that this was a retelling of…
Title: A Curse Dark as Gold Author: Elizabeth C. Bunce Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did I read this book: This one caught my eye when I was browsing through amazon; then…
Title: Coraline Author: Neil Gaiman Genre: Young Adult, Horror-Fantasy Why did I read this book: After having read Neil Gaiman’s adult works, I was excited to see how his writing would translate in young adult format! When I read…
Title: A Great and Terrible Beauty Author: Libba Bray Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Gothic Novel Stand alone or series: First book of the Gemma Doyle trilogy. Summary: (From amazon.com)A Victorian boarding school story, a Gothic mansion mystery, a gossipy…
Title: Trickster’s Choice Author: Tamora Pierce Review Number: 12 Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Daughter of the Lioness duology; part of Tamora Pierce’s larger collection of work set in Tortall Summary: (from…
Title: Twilight Author: Stephenie Meyer (this is one of the prettiest covers I have ever seen) Review Number: 11 Genre: Paranormal/Young Adult/Romance Stand alone or series: The first in a series. Followed so far by New Moon and Eclipse.…
Title: The Blue Sword Author: Robin McKinley Review Number: 7 Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Stand alone or series: Has a prequel (written after this book was done, though), but can be read alone Summary: (from Amazon.com)Harry Crewe is an…