Title: The Warrior’s Apprentice Author: Lois McMaster Bujold Genre: Science Fiction Stand alone or series: One of the many books of the Vorkosigan Saga—this is the first introduction to the main protagonist, Miles Vorkosigan so even though it is…
Science Fiction
(Not called “Book of the Month” because…well, we like doing joint reviews and can’t have more than one “Book of the Month” or the title loses significance, right? Right?) Title: Awesome Lavratt Author: Ann Wilkes Genre: Science Fiction Stand…
Review number: 34 Review: OK, right. At some deeper level of consciousness I would agree with most of Thea’s points (the “Frag” thing was particularly eye-popping) but I ended up not caring about the bad and the ugly because…
I feel like such a Debbie Downer when it comes to these much buzzed over romance novels. But, I got nothing else if I ain’t honest, so here goes. Review Number: 27ish? Review: Grimspace by Ann Aguirre is the…
Loads of glowing reviews around blogland have prompted us to pick Grimspace for our Book of the Month feature and do a joint review. But, in the process of reading it we realized that whilst Ana was having a…
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars fans rejoice!!!! Image courtesy of starwars.com If you haven’t been completely disconnected from civilization for the past thirty years, you at least have some rudimentary knowledge of the cultural phenomenon that is Star Wars. As a loyal…
Title: Stardoc Author: S.L. Viehl Review Number: 11 Genre: Science Fiction Stand alone or series: First in the Stardoc series (7 books total, with more in the works) Summary: (from us.penguingroup.com)Dr. Cherijo Grey Veil leaves Earth and accepts a…
Why did I read this book?: It was the chosen book of the month for our book club. Review: I start reading the book and I am immediately sucked into it. I find the first few chapters enchanting, the…
I guess I’ll begin with the regular spiel. Why did I read this book?: I have heard a LOT about this book from multiple sources, and all the reviews have been positive. That said, this is not a book…