Title: A Crown of Wishes Author: Roshani Ckokshi Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin Publication Date: March 2017 Hardcover: 369 Pages An ancient mystery. An unlikely union. For one young princess in a state of peril, a…
Title: Defy the Stars Author: Claudia Gray Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Little, Brown Publication Date: April 2017 Hardcover: 503 Pages Our worlds belong to us. She’s a soldier. Noemi Vidal is seventeen years old and sworn to protect…
Reenu-You: Michele Tracy Berger on Inspirations & Influences (& Giveaway)
We are delighted to announce that the second title in our Novella Initiative is out today! Reenu-You by Michele Tracy Berger is a Science Fiction novella, about the social and political meanings of hair, female friendships and viruses. The…
Today we are delighted to be partnering with Little, Brown to share a giveaway of Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor! About the Book: A new epic fantasy by National Book Award finalist and New York Times bestselling author…
It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus! Today, Ana reviews a new Fantasy book subverting HP Lovecraft. Go over there to check it out.…
Ana continues her adventures in Discworld, with the next City Watch novel, Feet of Clay Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when both Ana and…
As you may have heard, The Book Smugglers are finalists for this year’s Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine. The Hugo Awards, presented annually since 1955, are voted on by members of the World Science Fiction Convention–aka Worldcon–which is also…
Fantasy author Zetta Elliott (A Wish After Midnight, Ship of Souls, The Door at the Crossroads) takes on the issue of minstrelsy in kidlit. “Minstrelsy is the New Black” originally appeared in the third volume of our Quarterly Almanac–a…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Let’s dive straight in, shall we? Giveaway Winners: We have several giveaway winners to announce! The winners of a copy of 10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac are: Aimall Farooq…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…
It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea takes a look at the Best Novel nominees for this year’s Hugo Awards: Go over there to check it out!…
Old School Wednesdays Joint Review: The Last Colony by John Scalzi
Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when both Ana and Thea were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and Shiny (and often over-hyped)…
Excerpt & Giveaway: KEEPER OF THE DAWN by Dianna Gunn
Today we are thrilled to launch the debut novella in our brand new Novella Initiative Project: Keeper of the Dawn by Dianna Gunn. We’ve got plenty of shenanigans happening today including an excerpt and giveaway here and a Facebook…
The White Road of the Moon: Rachel Neumeier on Those Early Novels You Haven’t Looked at in Ten Years
Happy Monday to all! Today, we are pleased to host Fantasy author Rachel Neumeier to talk about her most recent novel The White Road of the Moon, a stand-alone YA Fantasy, out last March. Those Early Novels You Haven’t…
Hello everybody and happy Sunday to all! Have you seen the new Star Wars trailer? It’s the best thing that happened last week. Even better was this compare/contrast between The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi teasers: Check out…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…
It’s Friday and we are over at Kirkus! Today, Ana takes a look at two very different books: Black Panther – A Nation Under our Feet, volume 1 and The Gauntlet are both excellent. Check it out here.…
In which we showcase the cover second book in Leena Likitalo’s Waning Moon Duology, The Sisters of the Crescent Empress. Both books are coming later this year from tor.com! Without further ado, behold! The smugglerific cover! The Cover: About…
KEEPER OF THE DAWN: Dianna Gunn on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their Inspirations and Influences. In this feature, we invite writers to talk about their new books, older titles, and their…
Today we are delighted to be partnering with Little, Brown to share a brand new giveaway with you, celebrating the release of Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray! About the Book: Our worlds belong to us. She’s a soldier.…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Let’s have a look at what’s on the menu this week, shall we? The 2016 Hugo Nominees are Here! And guess what?! The Book Smugglers has been nominated for Best Semiprozine! WOOHOO! Go here…
“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…
Hello, it’s Friday and we are over at… Tor.com! Well, the cover of our first Novella Initiative title is! Go over to Tor.com for the full cover! ABOUT THE NOVELLA Sometimes failure is just the beginning All Lai has…
Howdy and a happy Thursday to all! Today, we are delighted to host Aliette de Bodard, celebrating the release of her new novel, The House of Binding Thorns (which is out this week in the UK and the US)…
Title: A Conjuring of Light Author: V. E. Schwab Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Tor Publication Date: February 21 2017 Hardcover: 624 Pages Witness the fate of beloved heroes – and enemies. THE BALANCE OF POWER HAS FINALLY TIPPED… The precarious…