Title: Tainted Author: Julie Kenner Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Ace Publication Date: October 2009 Paperback: 320 pages Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Blood Lily Chronicles How did I get this book: ARC (from publicist) Why did…
Guest Author and Giveaway: Lori Brighton on Inspirations and Influences
“Inspiration and Influences” is a new series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspiration and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free reign so they can go…
Joint Review & Giveaway: One Con Glory by Sarah Kuhn
It’s Alert Nerd Day at The Book Smugglers! Today we take a look at Alert Nerd Press – an independent digital publisher dedicated to making geek-centric fiction and nonfiction for the discriminating nerd, both online and in print. Title:…
Title: Elegy Beach Author: Steven R. Boyett Genre: Fanatsy, Post-Apocalypse, Urban Fantasy Publisher: Ace Publication Date: November 2009 Hardcover: 384 Pages Stand alone or series: Sequel to Ariel (1983) How did I get this book: Review Copy from Publisher…
What better way to celebrate the end (or almost, we still have two more posts today!) of our Halloween Week than to have a Flash Giveaway? We have two batches to giveaway, each to one lucky winner. Batch 1:…
Halloween Week Book Review & Giveaway: The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey
Title: The Monstrumologist Author: Rick Yancey Genre: Young Adult, Horror Publisher: Simon & Schuster (US & UK) Publication Date: September 2009 (US)/October 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 448 pages (US) Stand alone or series: First novel in what appears to be…
There is nothing wrong with your computer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We interrupt this transmission of Halloween related material to bring you some very important announcements… We have some giveaway news! Our three running contests have…
Title: Heart’s Blood Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Roc (US) / Tor (UK) Publication Date: November 2009 (US) / October 2009 (UK) Hardcover: 416 pages (US) / 560 pages (UK) How did I get this book: Review Copy…
Book Review & Giveaway: The Bell at Sealey Head by Patricia A. McKillip
Title: The Bell at Sealey Head Author: Patricia A. McKillip Genre: Fantasy Publisher: Ace Publication Date: September 2008 Trade Paperback: 288 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel. How did I get this book: Review copy (from publisher)…
Darren Shan’s bestselling Cirque du Freak series makes its way to the big screen this fall, with The Vampire’s Assistant – and we are offering some goodies to get in the spirit of the film! The Book: THE VAMPIRE’S…
Welcome to stop #12 on Kristin Cashore’s “Getting to know the characters of Fire” Blog Tour! If you haven’t heard of young adult sensation author Kristin Cashore, you must have been living under a rock for the past year.…
Title: Demon Forged Author: Meljean Brook Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Berkley Publishing Date: October 6, 2009 Paperback: 432 pages Stand Alone or series: 5th full length novel in the Guardian series (8th if you count the 3 novelas). The…
In anticipation for the release of the long awaited Elegy Beach, Steven Boyett’s much loved fantasy-post-apocalyptic tale Ariel has been re-released. And, after reading and enjoying Ariel, we’ve decided to hold a giveaway! More About the Book: At four-thirty…
It is no secret that we love Neil Gaiman (heck, we even had a full on “Neil Gaiman Appreciation Week” last year). When The Graveyard Book was first released last year (in Hardcover) , we bought it as soon…
Howdy folks, and HAPPY LONG WEEKEND SATURDAY! To celebrate, we decided to throw together another of our Flash Giveaways – so named because you only have 24 hours to enter! Today’s offerings… BATCH 1: Contemporary Romance (Click to enlarge…
As promised, we have a SuperFantasticGiveaway of Catching Fire. Thea liked The Hunger Games (book 1) and absolutely loved Catching Fire, so we highly recommend you get in on this fabulous trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Read on for more…
Guest Author and Giveaway: Leanna Renee Hieber on Inspiration and Influences
“Inspiration and Influences” is a new series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free reign so they can go…
The end is here (boo) for our Young Adult Appreciation Month and we go out with a bang! Or rather with one of our … FLASH GIVEAWAY: You know the score, a Flash giveaway is a contest that runs…
Young Adult Appreciation Month: Alexander Gordon Smith on Inspiration and Influences (and a Giveaway)
Alexander Gordon Smith is the writer of the Inventors series for children and the YA/Fantasy Furnace series. I met Gordon in London at a Forbidden Planet’s event (the Guillermo del Toro signing) and prompted by his passionate talk about…
KILLER UNICORNS ATTACK! Diana Peterfreund on Inspirations & Influences (and Giveaway)
Earlier this year, after Thea read (and loved) Secret Society Girl, Diana Peterfreund’s debut novel, we Book Smugglers started to follow her blog and look for more titles and news from this talented author. When we first heard about…
Soul Screamers Special: Rachel Vincent on Inspiration and a giveaway
Rachel Vincent is a popular UF novelist, author of the Shifter series. Her first book in her new Young Adult Soul Screamer series has just hit the shelves and Ana reviewed it here. We invited the author to be…
Series Review & Giveaway: The Devouring & Soulstice by Simon Holt
I happen to love horror. I love the thrill of mortal fear, the rush of terror that washes over you and drowns your logical mind, the giddy and jittery sense of having experienced something truly terrifying. Ever since I…
Young Adult Appreciation Month: Lisa Mantchev on Young Adult novels (and a giveaway)
Lisa Mantchev is a YA debut author, writer of the recently published Eyes Like Stars – an absolutely fabulous, fun book which became one of Ana’s favorite reads this year (reviewed here). We invited Lisa to write a guest…
Supernatural Summer: Kim Harrison on Inspirations & Influences (and a Giveaway)
Kim Harrison is a Smuggler Favorite author, penning the bestselling adult Urban Fantasy series, The Hollows (which also happens to be Thea’s all time favorite Urban Fantasy series). This year, she has decided to branch out her formidable writing…
Supernatural Summer: Chat and Giveaway with Claudia Gray
Claudia Gray is the author of the popular teen vampire Evernight series, so far comprised of two books (Evernight and Stargazer). I had the immense pleasure of reading her work for our Young Adult Appreciation Month, and I loved…