Title: A Gathering of Gargoyles Author: Meredith Ann Pierce Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication Date: September 1998 Paperback: 352 pages Aeriel’s love has broken the curse on the darkangel Irrylath, making him human…
8 Rated Books
Joint Review: The Shadowed Sun by N. K. Jemisin
Title: The Shadowed Sun Author: N. K. Jemisin Genre: Fantasy, PoC Publisher: Orbit Publication date: June 7 2012 Paperback: 464 pages Gujaareh, the city of dreams, suffers under the imperial rule of the Kisuati Protectorate. A city where the…
Title: Fury Author: Shirley Marr Genre: Contemporary, Thriller, Young Adult Publisher: Black Dog Books Publication date: May 1 2011 Paperback: 277 pages Let me tell you my story. Not just the facts I know you want to hear. If…
What She Said: Code Name Verity and The False Prince
Today we bring you the latest installment in our feature, “What She Said…” in which we both review books that the other has previously read and reviewed. This feature arose because of a very serious dilemma we faced at…
Title: Secondhand Charm Author: Julie Berry Genre: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Books Publication Date: October 2010 Hardcover: 352 Pages In a secluded village, magic sparkles on the edges of the forest. There, a young…
Title: The Boneshaker Author: Kate Milford / Illustrations by Andrea Offermann Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Horror, Americana, Young Adult, NOT-STEAMPUNK! Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication date: May 21st 2010 Hardcover: 372 pages Thirteen-year-old Natalie Minks loves machines, particularly automata—self-operating mechanical…
Title: A Drowned Maiden’s Hair: A Melodrama Author: Laura Amy Schlitz Genre: Historical, Young Adult Publisher: Candlewick Press Publication date: First published in 2006 Hardcover/paperback: 389 pages Maud Flynn is known at the orphanage for her impertinence, so when…
Title: Dragonswood Author: Janet Lee Carey Genre: Fantasy, Historical/Arthurian, Fairy Tales, Young Adult Publisher: Dial (Penguin) Publication Date: January 2012 Hardcover: 407 Pages Wilde Island is not at peace. The kingdom mourns the dead Pendragon king and awaits the…
Joint Review: The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman
Title: The Obsidian Blade Author: Pete Hautman Genre: Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Candlewick Publication date: April 2012 Hardcover: 308 pages Kicking off a riveting sci-fi trilogy, National Book Award winner Pete Hautman plunges us into a world where…
Title: Ship of Souls Author: Zetta Elliott Genre: Fantasy (Contemporary/Urban Fantasy), Young Adult Publisher: Amazon Encore Publication date: February 2012 Paperback: 132 pages When Dmitri, an 11-year-old bird watcher and math whiz, loses his mother to breast cancer, he…
Title: The Uninvited Guests Author: Sadie Jones Genre: Historical, Paranormal Publisher: Chatto & Windus / Harper Publication date: May 1st 2012 Hardcover: 272 pages One late spring evening in 1912, in the kitchens at Sterne, preparations begin for an…
Yay! This is very cool: our first post for Kirkus is up and running! It’s a review of Railsea the new YA novel by award-winning author China Miéville: A snippet from the review: When invited to go on a…
Book Review Double Feature: Eight Days of Luke & Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones
After a few disappointing reads in the past few weeks, I was in need of some well-deserved comfort reading and some laid-back review-writing. So, I turned to the always reliable Diana Wynne Jones. Title: Eight Days of Luke Author:…
Title: Wheel of the Infinite Author: Martha Wells Genre: Fantasy, PoC Publisher: Eos (but the author recently released the ebooks) Publication date: First published, 2000. Ebook was made available in 2011 Paperback: 355 pages…
Title: I Hunt Killers Author: Barry Lyga Genre: Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Young Adult Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Publication Date: April 2012 Hardcover: 359 Pages What if the world’s worst serial killer…was your dad? Jasper (Jazz) Dent is…
Title: Fear Author: Michael Grant Genre: Dystopian, Speculative Fiction, Horror, Young Adult Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Publication Date: April 2012 Hardcover: 509 Pages Despite the hunger, despite the lies, even despite the plague, the kids of Perdido Beach are…
Title: Peaceweaver Author: Rebecca Barnhouse Genre: Historical Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Random House Publication date: March 27 2012 Hardcover: 336 pages This is historical fantasy at its best. Sixteen-year-old Hild has always been a favorite of her uncle, king…
Title: A Posse of Princesses Author: Sherwood Smith Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: YA Angst (original publisher) / new ebook edition from Book View Cafe Publication Date: March 2008 Hardcover: 300 pages Rhis, princess of a small kingdom, is…
Title: Fair Game Author: Patricia Briggs Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance Publisher: Ace Publication Date: March 2012 Hardcover: 293 pages They say opposites attract. And in the case of werewolves Anna Latham and Charles Cornick, they mate. The son-and…
Title: The Darkangel Author: Meredith Ann Pierce Genre: Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publication Date: March 1982 Paperback: 281 pages Aeriel is kidnapped by the darkangel, a black-winged vampyre of astounding beauty and youth, and…
Title: Partials Author: Dan Wells Genre: Post-Apocalypse, Dystopian, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Balzer + Bray (HarperCollins) Publication Date: March 2012 Hardcover: 472 pages Humanity is all but extinguished after a war with partials–engineered organic beings identical to humans–has…
Title: The Knife and the Butterfly Author: Ashley Hope Pérez Genre: Contemporary, Magic Realism, Young Adult Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group Publication date: February 1 2011 Hardcover: 216 pages After a marijuana-addled brawl with a rival gang, 16-year-old Azael wakes…
Title: Briar Rose Author: Jane Yolen Genre: Historical, Fairy Tale, Mystery, Young Adult Publisher: Tor Publication Date: August 1992 (original) Paperback: 239 pages (reprint) A powerful retelling of Sleeping Beauty that is “heartbreaking and heartwarming.” An American Library Association…
Title: The Rook Author: Daniel O’Malley Genre: Speculative Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Thriller Publisher: Little, Brown & Co. Publication Date: January 2012 Hardcover: 496 pages “The body you are wearing used to be mine.” So begins the letter Myfanwy Thomas…
Title: Deep Sky Author: Patrick Lee Genre: Speculative Fiction, Thriller Publisher: HarperCollins Publication Date: January 2012 Paperback: 384 pages The anomaly called the Breach is the government’s most carefully guarded secret. But there is another secret even less known…