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Over at Kirkus: 10 Horror Novels for the Fall

It’s Friday, and we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea celebrates the start of fall with a list of ten new horror novels to read on a cold night… (I haven’t actually read all of them, but I’m looking…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Things from This Week: This week was absofreakinglutely bananas. In case you weren’t on the internets, here’s a quick roundup of the ridiculousness: our very own Book Smuggler Ana and Renay (of Lady Business…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Once We Were by Kat Zhang

Title: Once We Were Author: Kat Zhang Genre: Speculative Fiction, Dystopia, Young Adult Publisher: HarperCollins Publication Date: September 2013 Hardcover: 352 Pages “I’m lucky just to be alive.” Eva was never supposed to have survived this long. As the…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday! Let’s get down to business, shall we? Giveaway Winners: We have a giveaway winner to announce! The winner of a copy of Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst is… jpetroroy Congratulations! You know the drill –…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Dead City by James Ponti

Title: Dead City Author: James Ponti Genre: Horror, Middle Grade/Young Adult, Zombies Publisher: Aladdin Publication Date: October 2012 Hardcover: 288 Pages The Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins says this paranormal action-adventure “breathes new life into the zombie genre” and…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Apologies for the late post – Ana is still living it up in Rome, and Thea is just back from the beach. (Happy Labor Day, y’all!) Let’s get down to business, shall we? Giveaway…

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Miscellaneous On the Radar

On the Smugglers’ Radar

“On The Smugglers’ Radar” is a feature for books that have caught our eye: books we have heard of via other bloggers, directly from publishers, and/or from our regular incursions into the Amazon jungle. Thus, the Smugglers’ Radar was…

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