It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! This week, Thea reviews the eagerly anticipated third and final book in Ben H. Winters’ Last Policeman trilogy, World of Trouble. The book ends phenomenally, but ultimately she has mixed…
Hello, friends! As you may or may not know, we Book Smugglers have made the final ballot for the impending Hugo Awards for Best Fanzine. Naturally, we are very invested in the Hugos this year and are planning on…
Title: In the End Author: Demitria Lunetta Genre: Dystopia, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Harper Teen Publication Date: June 2014 Hardcover: 448 Pages The thrilling conclusion to In the After, the survival story of Amy and Baby, set in…
Hello everyone! Happy Sunday – the last day of the World Cup, and of the UK’s first YA Literature Convention. Let’s dive in, shall we? This Week on The Book Smugglers: On Monday, Thea kicks off the week with…
Title: The Girl from the Well Author: Rin Chupeco Genre: Horror, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire Publication Date: August 2014 Hardcover: 304 Pages You may think me biased, being murdered myself. But my state of being has…
Today we are delighted to unveil the charming cover for upcoming middle grade fantasy novel Jack by Liesl Shurtliff (who also happens to be the author of Rump, which Ana thoroughly enjoyed). Behold: the Smugglerific Cover! The Smugglerific Cover…
Title: Graduation Day Author: Joelle Charbonneau Genre: Dystopia, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers Publication Date: June 2014 Hardcover: 304 Pages In book three of the Testing series, the United Commonwealth wants to eliminate the…
World of Trouble Blog Tour: Ben H. Winters on Inspirations & Influences
Today we are delighted to host a stop on Ben H. Winters’ blog tour to celebrate the conclusion of his Edgar Award-winning pre-apocalyptic Last Policeman mystery series. Thea was a big fan of The Last Policeman (book 1) and…
It’s Friday, and that means we’re over at Kirkus! This week, Thea takes the helm as she list-makes, yet again… This time the focus is on SFF books to read on this fourth of July long weekend (with an…
Title: Starbreak Author: Phoebe North Genre: Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Publication Date: June 2014 Hardcover: 288 Pages The Asherah has finally reached Zehava, the long-promised planet. There, Terra finds harsh conditions…
Starbreak Blog Tour (& Giveaway): Phoebe North on Inspiration & Influences
Today we are thrilled to host a stop on Phoebe North’s blog tour celebrating the release of Starbreak, the second book in her Starglass sequence. Thea was a fan of Starglass, the eponymous first book in the series, so…
Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday! We interrupt today’s World Cup viewings to bring you a look at this upcoming week. This Week on The Book Smugglers: On Monday, we kick things off with a retrospective look at our year…
Title: Minion Author: John David Anderson Genre: Superheroes, Speculative Fiction, Middle Grade/Young Adult Publisher: Walden Pond Press Publication Date: June 2014 Hardcover: 288 Pages John David Anderson returns to the world he created in Sidekicked with an entirely new…
Old School Wednesdays Readalong: So You Want to Be A Wizard by Diane Duane
Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when both Ana and Thea were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and Shiny (and often over-hyped)…
It’s Friday which means that we are over at Kirkus! Thea reviews a very highly anticipated book today: The Bees by Laline Paull. (Isn’t that the best cover image?! LOVE IT.) Imaginative, fascinating, utterly memorable. In other words, THEA…
As you probably know by now, Old School Wednesdays is a new weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when we were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and…
Title: Dangerous Author: Shannon Hale Genre: Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Bloomsbury Publication Date: March 2014 Hardcover: 405 Pages Maisie Danger Brown just wanted to get away from home for a bit, see something new. She never…
Happy Sunday, everyone! Let’s dive right in, shall we? Giveaway Winners: The winner of a copy of The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings is… Sarah Neitzel Congratulations! Drop us an email (contact AT thebooksmugglers DOT com) with your snail…
Today – on Friday the 13th, no less! – we are tickled to host the cover reveal for one of our most highly anticipated books of the fall: Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix! We were lucky enough to scoop up…
We are delighted to be a stop on Charlie Higson’s “Guide to London” blog tour to celebrate the release of The Fallen, the latest book in his YA zombie series. Thea was a fan of The Enemy and The…
Old School Wednesdays: Zahrah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor
Old School Wednesdays is a weekly Book Smuggler feature. We came up with the idea towards the end of 2012, when both Ana and Thea were feeling exhausted from the never-ending inundation of New and Shiny (and often over-hyped)…
Title: Andromeda’s Fall Author: William C. Dietz Genre: Military Science Fiction Publisher: Ace (US) / Titan (UK) Publication Date: December 2012 (US) / January 2014 (UK) Paperback: 352 Pages (UK edition) When a bloodthirsty power grab on Earth results…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Thea here, back from a long weekend of sun and music (HOORAY SUMMER!). Let’s get down to business, shall we? Giveaway Winners: The winner of a copy of each book in Deborah Coates’ Wide…
It’s Friday which means that we are over at Kirkus! Today it’s Thea’s turn, with a review of Authority by Jeff VanderMeer, the second book in the Southern Reach Trilogy. Thea kinda loved it. It’s a weird, unsettling, insular…
We’re thrilled to host a stop on the blog tour for the release of The Murder Complex, a brand new YA dystopian speculative fiction novel by author Lindsay Cummings – and to give away a copy of the book!…