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Inspirations and Influences

Blog Tour: Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix

Today’s guest is Grady Hendrix, author of the upcoming horror novel Horrorstör – an Ikearific haunted superstore novel in a catalog-looking package (you might remember we hosted the cover reveal a few months back). Yes, you read that sentence…

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Over at Kirkus: A Southern Reach-Inspired List

It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today it’s Thea’s turn as she talks about the Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer… Thea reflects on the trilogy (which she found fascinating, frustrating, and utterly memorable), and recommends…

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7 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Clementine by Cherie Priest

Title: Clementine Author: Cherie Priest Genre: Historical, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Subterranean Press Publication Date: August 2010 Paperback: 201 Pages Maria Isabella Boyd’s success as a Confederate spy has made her too famous for further espionage work, and now her…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Ana is away at FantasyCon in York, where we just learned some good news… FantasyCon 2014: The British Fantasy Society’s annual Fantasy Convention, FantasyCon 2014 was this weekend! Including panels and talks as well…

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4 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: Winterkill by Kate A. Boorman

Title: Winterkill Author: Kate A. Boorman Genre: Dystopia, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Amulet Publication Date: September 2014 Hardcover: 319 Pages Emmeline knows she’s not supposed to explore the woods outside her settlement. The enemy that wiped out half…

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Over at Kirkus: Hidden Magical Worlds

It’s Friday, which means we’re over at Kirkus! Today it’s Thea’s turn to take over, with a list… Inspired by the very fun Child of A Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica (which Thea will review here next week), here’s…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday! Ana is away on holiday, and Thea has full run of the site. Hee. Let’s get down to business, shall we? This Week on The Book Smugglers: On Monday, we kick off the week…

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Book Reviews DNF Books Joint Review

Joint DNF: Night Witches by L.J. Adlington

Title: Night Witches Author: L.J. Adlington Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books Publication Date: September 2013 Paperback: 336 Pages A supernatural thriller-romance set in an all-girl teenage bomber-pilot regiment, combining witchcraft and legend. TWO NATIONS AT WAR.…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Happy Sunday, everyone! Let’s get down to business, shall we. Giveaway Winners: We have a few lucky winners to announce! The winner of our Patrick Ness giveaway is… Meghan Lee Shaffer The winners of a copy of Kaleidoscope are……

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Over at Kirkus: A Star-Lord Inspired Playlist

It’s Wednesday which means… well, it doesn’t usually mean that we’re over at Kirkus, but today we are! Thea is over at Kirkus talking about Guardians of the Galaxy. Inspired by that awesome movie (SERIOUSLY GO OUT AND WATCH…

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DNF Books

DNF: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Title: The Kiss of Deception Author: Mary E. Pearson Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult Publisher: Henry Holt & Co BYR Publication Date: July 2014 Hardcover: 486 Pages A princess must find her place in a reborn world. She flees…

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6 Rated Books Book Reviews

Book Review: The Three by Sarah Lotz

Title: The Three Author: Sarah Lotz Genre: Horror Publisher: Little, Brown (US) / Hodder and Stoughton (UK) Publication Date: May 2014 Hardcover: 467 Pages (UK) Four simultaneous plane crashes. Three child survivors. A religious fanatic who insists the three…

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Smugglers Stash

Smugglers’ Stash & News

Hello everyone! Thea here, reporting live from San Diego Comic Con and taking a quick break from the explosion of geeky awesomeness to look forward at the coming week here on The Book Smugglers. Let’s dive right in, shall…

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A #NoiseforNess Giveaway

Today we’re thrilled to host a giveaway for the incomparable Patrick Ness! Ness is the author of the multiple award winning Chaos Walking trilogy, as well as YA science fiction dystopia novel More Than This. Thea adored The Knife…

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