The Astronomer Who Met The North Wind by Kate Hall Published 12/2/2014 | 3,312 Words Down there, the North Wind whispered in her ear. Down where I don’t blow so fierce, there you will be able to observe your…
Title: Stitching Snow Author: R.C. Lewis Genre: Fairy Tale Retellings, Science Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Publication Date: October 2014 Hardcover: 338 pages Princess Snow is missing. Her home planet is filled with violence and corruption at the hands…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! To all those in the United States, happy Thanksgiving Day week! Let’s get down to business. This Week on The Book Smugglers: On Monday, we are delighted to reveal the cover for our fifth…
It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today Thea is back at her list-making again with a primer to historical romantic fantasy… Inspired by Juliet Marillier’s newest novel Dreamer’s Pool – the first in a brand new…
The Mussel Eater by Octavia Cade Published 11/18/2014 | 3,627 Words “I was curious,” she says, when he asks her. She has seen him eyeing her, seen him moving closer, and holds out one of her hands. It is…
Hello everyone from Toronto! We’re finishing up our stint at the INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair, and heading home – but before that, let’s get down to business! Giveaway Winners: We have a few giveaway winners to announce! The…
It’s Friday, which means we’re over at Kirkus! Today it’s Thea’s turn with a review of highly anticipated novel Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes… It’s a beautifully written book, that walks the line nicely between cop procedural thriller and…
An aesthetically gorgeous movie that fails to deliver on any other meaningful level. NOTE: This review, particularly the latter portion, contains spoilers. If you wish to avoid spoilers altogether, you may want to look away. Interstellar (Paramount Pictures and…
It’s Friday Saturday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today, Thea talks about an upcoming book event with serious promise: The INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair. From November 13-16, the INSPIRE! Book Fair will draw book lovers, publishers,…
Title: In A Handful of Dust Author: Mindy McGinnis Genre: Post-Apocalypse, Dystopia, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Publication Date: September 2014 Hardcover: 384 pages The only thing bigger than the world is fear. Lucy’s life by…
Mrs. Yaga by Michal Wojcik Published 11/4/2014 | 2,859 Words “All he has to do is bypass the gatekeeper of the thrice-tenth kingdom and bring me a fern flower, a dragon’s heart, and a rusałka’s lock of hair. Easy.”…
Hello everyone! We hope you had a fantastic Halloween. Let’s get down to business, shall we? Giveaway Winner: The lucky winner of a copy of The Time Roads by Beth Bernobich is… Mary Preston Congratulations! You know the drill.…
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, dear readers! In order to celebrate this spookiest of holidays, we are proud to offer a giveaway of historical supernatural YA mystery, Jackaby by William Ritter. (Full dislosure: Thea works for Workman Publishing, of which Algonquin Young…
Title: Tales of Terror from the Black Ship Author: Chris Priestley; Illustrated by Dave Roberts Genre: Horror, Short Stories, Middle Grade Publisher: Bloomsbury Childrens USA Publication Date: August 2008 Hardcover: 256 pages When Ethan and Cathy fall ill during…
It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! Today Thea reflects on The Time Roads by Beth Bernobich – a challenging, ambitious novel that blends steampunk-ish elements with alternate history, math, and romance. Inspired by The Time Roads…
Title: A New Dawn Author: John Jackson Miller Genre: Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Del Rey Publication Date: September 2014 Hardcover: 367 Pages A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . . “The…
In Her Head, In Her Eyes by Yukimi Ogawa Published 10/21/2014 | 5,426 Words Trills of silver, quiver of gold. Pot Head, they called her. Heavy-head, they teased her. In a noble house of dye masters, Island-born Hase is…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Let’s get down to business. Giveaway Winners: The winners of ARCs of None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio are… Adrielle Holly Denise Edwards Congratulations! You know the drill. Send an email to us…
Title: Falls the Shadow Author: Stefanie Gaither Genre: Dystopia, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult Publisher: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers Publication Date: September 2014 Hardcover: 352 Pages When Cate Benson was a kid, her sister, Violet,…
Hello everyone! It’s Friday, which means we are over at Kirkus! This week, it’s Thea’s turn with her guide of must-see speculative fiction authors at New York Comic Con 2014 – which started yesterday and continues through Sunday. There…
Title: Razor’s Edge Author: Martha Wells Genre: Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Publisher: LucasBooks Publication Date: January 2013 Hardcover: 251 Pages Times are desperate for the Rebel Alliance. Harassment by the Empire and a shortage of vital supplies…
Hunting Monsters by S.L. Huang Published 10/7/2014 | 6,500 Words “Happy birthday, child. Careful not to shoot any grundwirgen.” Ever since she was a small girl, she has learned to be careful on the hunt, to recognize the signs…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Let’s get down to business. Support Dear Author: You may have heard recently that publisher Ellora’s Cave filed a defamation lawsuit against Dear Author and Jane Litte. If you, like us, are interested in…
It’s Friday, which means we’re over at Kirkus! Today Thea reviews delightfully kitschy horror novel Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix… …and she really, thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean, it’s a haunted house story set in an Ikea-esque knockoff store called…
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday! Thea here, writing to you all the way from… THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER! Ahem. I will tear myself away from the butterbeer and get down to business. (So I can have more…