Title: The Adoration of Jenna Fox Author: Mary E. Pearson Genre: Young Adult, Speculative Fiction Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. Publication Date: April 29, 2008 Hardcover: 272 pages Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Summary: (from amazon.com) Who…
January 2009
One year and 3 days ago when I (Ana) thought about starting a blog, I had no idea what was in store for me. I had just read more than 10 books over the holiday’s period and all I…
One year of Book Smuggling, one year of many happy events! It was the best of the years and the craziest of them all. We have made the move to our new casa and will have a proper celebratory…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength part 2 – Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
Title: Daughter of the Forest Author: Juliet Marillier Genre: Fantasy Stand Alone/ Series: Book 1 of 4 books set in the Sevenwaters world. It can be read as a stand- alone – the next books deal with the descendents…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength: Desperate Duchesses by Eloisa James
Title: Desperate Duchesses Author: Eloisa James Genre: Historical Romance Stand alone or series: Book 1 in the Desperate Duchesses series Why did I read this book: As part two of our Smugglivus Feats of Strength, Ana dared me to…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Title: The Woman in White Author: Wilkie Collins Genre: Mystery/Thriller, Literary Fiction Stand alone or series: Stand alone novel Why did I read this book: As the first part of our feats of strength, Ana dared me to read…
Smugglivus Feats of Strength: Ana reads The Talisman by Stephen King
Title: The Talisman Author: Stephen King and Peter Straub Genre: Fantasy with a few elements of horror. Stand Alone/ Series: Stand Alone but there is a sequel of sorts with an adult Jack Sawyer titled Black House Summary: Jack…
What time is it you ask? It is time to announce the winners of the recent Smugglivus giveaways bonanza!!! OK, so here it goes: 1) Mike Stone’s giveaway. Mike picked the winner and here is a special message from…
The Majestic Festivus Pole Smugglivus wouldn’t be Smugglivus without The Smugglivus Pole. We couldn’t rightly claim a true spinoff of the Festivus celebration without posting pictures of the poles, so at long last, here they are! Of course, we…
On January 7th we celebrate our first blog-o-versary and we decided it was time to shake things up a little bit. So that you don’t freak out when you come around then and notice that all the green is…
It is a Smugglivus Miracle! We got another Flash giveaway folks! You know the drill–the giveaway lasts for a mere 24 hour period. You have until Sunday midday (January 3rd, 10:00 pm pacific) to leave a comment and enter!…
So Thea aired the dirty laundry with regards to Jate (ewwwww), True Blood (*snorts*) and the Breaking Dawn Fiasco amongst other craptastic 2008 occurrences. What is there left? The Crap-Fest that was Heroes season 3. Season 1 was VERY…
The year is over, Smugglivus is upon us, and we must also undergo another very important ritual… The Airing of Grievances(in which we air out any dirty laundry from 2008) In ascending order, these are the things that really…
Seeing as Ana and I met through LOST boards (we are ridiculous geeks), it should come as no shocker that both of us are huge couch potatoes. Television, movies, sports, you name it. So, given our advance stage of…
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, best books of the year taken care of – what else is there? Movies and TV shows baby! So since Thea and I are both major geeks we decided to list the best of the…