Narratives from 2016 (and Beyond) with Compassionate and Complex Relationships
Welcome to Smugglivus 2016! Throughout this month, we will have guests – authors and bloggers alike – looking back at their favorite reads of 2016, looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2017, and more. On the last day of Smugglivus, our very last guest is no other than The Amazing Kate Elliott, purveyor of awesome books and stories, and writer of one of Ana’s top 10 books of 2016, Poisoned Blade, with a list of Narratives from 2016 with Compassionate and Complex Relationships In an alternate universe my spouse and I went to see Rogue One (2016), a film about the daring, dangerous mission to steal the plans for the Death Star from the heart of the Empire’s most guarded archives facility. In this alternate universe, the opening sequence went slightly differently from the version you may have seen. (Warning: there will be spoilers for the first 8 or so minutes of the film, what I’ll call the child-Jyn sequence.) On an isolated farm we meet child-Jyn, who lives with her father, a brilliant engineer who escaped from servitude to the Empire, and her mother, who was a stalwart Jedi-in-training before the Jedi were outlawed and killed. But […]