The Kaz Signal - #0.5: Origin Story
The Kaz Signal is a new monthly column by regular contributor to The Book Smugglers: Karen “Kaz” Mahoney. Kaz will be covering all things comics and popgeekery. #0.5: Origin Story Everything and everybody has an origin. The origin story of this column is pretty simple: Ana and Thea asked if I’d like to do it, and I politely accepted. Okay, the truth is that I was thrilled to be given a platform where I can talk about one of the things I love most in the entire world: comics (and all things comics-related). Saying ‘yes’ to monthly popgeekery was a no-brainer. An origin story, in comic book terms, is the story of how a character – often, though not always, in the world of superheroes – got their abilities and became the superhero or villain that we read about on a monthly basis. Or, these days, the characters that we watch movies or TV shows about. What’s their backstory? How did they become super strong or super fast or super douchey? What made them decide to dress up as a bat so they could run around at night terrorising petty criminals? How are they able to stick to walls? Spin […]
Karen Mahoney