The Walls Around Us Giveaway: Nova Ren Suma on Inspirations & Influences
In which Nova Ren Suma talks about teenage ghosts and her new novel, The Walls Around Us. We Book Smugglers are huge fans of Nova Run Suma’s work. Both of us loved her YA novel Imaginary Girls – a creepy, dreamy, strange book about a very different girl and an isolated town. So, it was with great pleasure when we learned about her new book, psychological YA thriller The Walls Around Us, billed as “Orange is the New Black Swan”, and were invited to host a guest post from the author (plus a giveaway). Please give a warm welcome to Nova Ren Suma! Teenage Ghosts and The Walls Around Us I was thirteen. I didn’t have a boyfriend or anything close, but I had a solid relationship with my Parker Brothers–brand Ouija board. I would play the Ouija with any friend willing. During that year of my most intense focus in contacting spirits from the other side, I “spoke” with people from beyond the grave, long-dead and before-unknown ancestors, as well as self-professed evil spirits who wanted my soul. I believed wholeheartedly. I believed enough that I was afraid to climb down from my loft bed in the night and […]