Smugglivus 2014 Guest Blogger: Jodie of Lady Business and Book Gazing
Welcome to Smugglivus 2014! Throughout this month, we will have daily guests – authors and bloggers alike – looking back at their favorite reads of 2014, looking forward to events and upcoming books in 2015, and more. Who: Jodie, co-editor of one of the excellent Lady Business, solo blogger at Book Gazing and one of our favourite book and TV reviewers. Please give it up for Jodie, folks! Are you busy making 2015 reading resolutions? Maybe you want to #ReadWomen2015. Or you think #WeNeedDiverseBooks. Maybe you want to read every volume ever published about rodents indigenous to Scotland… Yeah, good luck with that last one. This Smugglivus, I attempt to help you fulfil some (reasonable) bookish resolutions by presenting a list of ten rocking books written by chromatic women. This list has space adventures, government conspiracies, sisters and spies, and hopefully it’ll help you kick off your reading year in style: Ascension – Jacqueline Koyanagi If you only read one space opera romance novel this year, make it Ascension. Then probably reassess your priorities and read more space opera romance novels. Alanna Quick, ‘the best damn sky surgeon in Heliodor City’, stows away on a cargo vessel and sets out […]