Eli Monpress Giveaway: Rachel Aaron on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their…well, Inspirations and Influences. The cool thing is that the writers are given free rein so they can go wild and write about anything they want: their new book, series or career as a whole. We’re thrilled to have Rachel Aaron over as our guest of the day, here to talk about her wonderful Eli Monpress fantasy series. To celebrate the release of the omnibus edition of her books, plus the fourth and newest book in the series, The Spirit War, we are honored to have Rachel talk Inspirations and Influences. Give it up for Rachel, folks! When I first sat down to write The Spirit Thief, I had a simple idea for the series: Lupin III with magic. I was 22, a huge anime nerd, and I’d just failed to sell a huge epic fantasy. I really wanted to do something fun and new, and the idea of writing a gentleman thief and conman running rampant through a fantasy world sounded like a kicking good time. And it totally was. The Spirit Thief and the series it grew into The […]