Smugglivus Presents: Ana & Thea's Most Excellent Books of 2010
Ana: Hello, I’m Ana Thea: And I’m Thea Ana & Thea: And we are…[Wyld Stallyns] BOOK SMUGGLERS!!!!!!! *play facemelting riffs on air guitars* We’ve brought you some of our favorite authors with their reflections on 2010 and plans for 2011… We’ve brought your some of our favorite bloggers with their own wonderful ‘best of’ lists… But now it’s finally time to get our own hands dirty! We have scoured our personal libraries, gone through all our reviews for the year, and we are happy to report that we finally have our final picks ready to go. We Smugglers are proud to present you with our Most Excellent Books of 2010! MOST EXCELLENT BOOKS OF 2010 Thea’s Most Excellent List: Overall, 2010 was a good year. Not a totally rockin’, shirt-coming-off-‘cuz-I’ve-partied-so-hard-year for me, but I did find some truly jaw-droppingly awesome books. In 2010 I reviewed 134 titles (less than last year, but not bad considering I went through crappy LSAT prep and completed my first semester of grad school!). I didn’t really experience too many reading habit shifts from last year, other than meeting my goal of reading more science fiction (yeah, bitches!) with a healthy dose of YA, some […]