Smugglivus Presents - Li (Me and My Books)
Who: Li, of the fantastic book review blog Me and My Books. Li is another blogger who we stalk on the regular–and it shows in TBR purchases. It is because of Li that we met some of our favorite literary characters this year: the lovable Miles Vorkosigan and the ineffable Amelia Peabody! Li provides a broad range of book genres, excellent reviews, and also great updates on excerpts, upcoming books, and covers. Needless to say, we’re huge fans! For our last Guest Blogger of Smugglivus, please welcome Li! __________ Li: A big thank you to Thea and Ana for inviting me to join in their Smugglivus fun! I’ve been enjoying the pre-countdown, countdown, and Smugglivus guest posts, and despite a bit of procrastination, I’ve made it and here’s my contribution to the party – my favourite 2008 reads and 2009 releases I’m looking forward to. A bit of personal background first: I’m a long time romance reader, starting off with historical romance way back when. I’ve also been reading SF/F since my teens, and therefore have been loving the shift towards novels that increasingly cross the boundaries between the various genres. During 2008, I’ve found myself continuing to read quite […]